David Thomas » Mr. Thomas

Mr. Thomas

Mr. Thomas teaches the following classes...
Exploratory Music
Beginning band
Advanced band

Music classes at Olive Middle School are built upon four areas of musical training…

  • Expression of music - Convey a personal response to the music.
  • Performance of music - Create live musical experiences.
  • Instrumental technique - Demonstrate proper instrumental technique.
  • Appreciation of music - Develop an appreciation for the historical and aesthetic values of music.

Check out some of these cool performances...


Incredibles https://youtu.be/gXi5Od8vqgc


Stars and Stripes https://youtu.be/a-7XWhyvIpE


James Barns Overture https://youtu.be/fqmaijbqpOI


Danzon #2 https://youtu.be/ZXeWiixwEz4 


Disney https://youtu.be/anKL8h2pxfg 


Manteca  https://youtu.be/I6jVNKfJCkw 


Pictures at an Exhibition  https://youtu.be/4OIFfa1KD_c


Percussion https://youtu.be/dqoil1hF7aA